
Eyelash Growth Cycle

Eyelash Growth Cycle

As we enter the Spring and summer seasons everything is blooming and growing, your lashes also have a growth spurt. Every hair on our body has its own natural growth cycle and will shed or fall out at different times.  For the Spring and Fall your lash growth and shedding cycle speed up; but in the Summer and Winter your eyelash shedding cycle tends to transition and become slower.  In this blog, we explain the meaning of the eyelash growth cycle called , anagen phase, catagen phase, and Telogen phase and how they affect your natural eyelashes.

In the Anogen also known as the “growth phase,” your lashes will be growing to their optimal length. Every individual eyelash is developing on its own growth cycle so you will see shorter and longer hairs in your lash line.  They will continue in this period until they reach their perfect length.

The second half of your cycle is the Catagen period or “transforming” stage. Now your lash is at its full extension and is no longer growing. In fact, the hair follicle is shrinking.  When one falls out as lashes usually do or if they are removed by rubbing your eyes they won’t be replaced by a new lash until this level of the cycle at this finished.

And finally, we have the Telogen or “resting phase” part of the cycle. Your natural hairs are attached to the follicle and lash line, but they are no longer growing.  They have reached the end of their lash life. These lashes become finer at the base they stop growing and prepare to be replaced by a fresh new lash.  It’s perfectly normal to see 2-5 lashes shedding . This is the result of these three cycles.  It’s perfectly normal and shows that you have a healthy lash shedding life cycle.

For more information on how to prolong the life of your extension read our recent blog post, on tips on sleeping with your new lashes.

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